The 9th general meeting of China Watch Association was held in Shenzhen


Zhang Chonghe, President of the China Light Industry Federation, stressed in his speech:

Ingenuity and innovation drive the watch industry sustainable prosperity.


In his speech, Zhang Chonghe pointed out that the watch industry is a high-precision manufacturing industry, which is closely related to people's lives. In 2019, there were 260 companies listed in the industrial regulations of China's watch industry, with an operating revenue of 36.3 billion RMB, up 4.27% year-on-year.The profit was 2.23 billion RMB, up 12.51 percent year on year. China's clock production accounts for 90% of the world, watch production accounts for 80% of the world, to become a worthy of the clock production country, is stepping into the clock production power.

Over the past five years, the association has reflected the demands of the industry and enlisted the support of the government, Mr. Zhang said. Strengthen standard construction and provide standard support; Organize training competition to strengthen personnel training; Promote brand building and enhance market competitiveness; We will strengthen scientific and technological innovation and promote technological progress. It has made a positive and important contribution to the development of the watch industry.

Zhang chonghe put forward six hopes for the association's work:

-- Work harder in the service sector.

-- Making great efforts to promote the spirit of the craftsman.

-- Making more efforts in the new pattern of development.

-- Put more effort into self-improvement

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